What is LINK Manila?
Leading Innovation and Nexus for Knowledge - Manila (LINK Manila) is an acronym for the DILG Manila website focused on promoting innovation and knowledge sharing. 
The word "leading" describes DILG Manila as the forefront of innovation and knowledge. DILG Manila is also committed to helping others innovate and learn - particularly LGU Offices and Barangays. 
The word "innovation" refers to the process of creating new or improved products, services, or processes. It is essential for the DILG Manila Field Office to innovate in order to stay relevant and responsive and meet the needs of our clients. 
The word "nexus" refers to a point of connection or intersection. The LINK Manila is a hub for innovation and knowledge sharing. DILG Manila, through the LINK Manila, brings together people and resources from different areas to promote innovation and learning. 
Overall, Leading Innovation and Nexus for Knowledge - Manila (LINK Manila) is a strong manifestation that conveys DILG Manila's commitment to innovation and knowledge sharing.