Accountable, Transparent, Participative and Effective Local Governance
Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG)The most prestigious award of the Department that seeks to promote good local governance through recognition of innovative and notable practices on local governance on the following areas:Financial Administration
Disaster Preparedness
Social Protection
Peace and Order
Business Friendliness and Competitiveness
Environmental Management
Tourism, Culture and Arts
Performance Challenge Fund (PCF)A program that complements the SGLG, the PCF is seen to help LGUs in the implementation of local development projects. Monitoring, reporting and documentation of PCF Projects are done by DILG-NCR personnel to ensure the completion and adherence to pertinent laws of PCF projects.Compliance to Full Disclosure Policy (FDP)The FDP aims to ensure transparency and accountability among LGUs of their Local Budget and Finances with the posting of financial documents in three conspicuous places in the LGU. DILG-NCR field offices have been responsible in the monitoring of compliance of LGUs in the FDP, or the quarterly posting of financial documents in three conspicuous places in the LGUs, as well as in the FDP portal.Citizen Satisfaction Index System (CSIS)The Citizens’ Satisfaction Index System or CSIS is a set of data tools designed to collect and generate citizens’ feedback on local governments’ service delivery. The system was developed by the Bureau of Local Government Supervision (BLGS) of DILG Central Office and implemented by the Ateneo School of Government (ASoG), in partnership with DILG-NCR.Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS)Developed in partnership with De La Salle University – Angelo King Institute, CBMS seeks to gather, analyze and utilize local household data, particularly on poverty, for use in high-impact program design and local development planning. DILG-NCR CSIS focal persons led the training of enumerators, field editors and field coordinators who will conduct the survey in the LGU.Special Local Roads Fund (SLRF)Sourced from the Motor Vehicle Users’ Charge (MVUC) Law, the Special Local Roads Fund (SLRF) is a program aimed at enhancing mobility and connectivity through the construction and maintenance of local roads. In coordination with DPWH, DILG-NCR provides technical assistance to LGUs, and conducts its monitoring and evaluation of progress of SLRF projects.Transition to FederalismDILG has also started its efforts in information dissemination on Federalism, to help Filipinos make an educated decision on the proposed shift to a Federal Philippines.

Environment Protective, Climate Change Adaptive and Disaster Resilient LGUs

Manila Bay Clean Up, Rehabilitation and Preservation Program (MBCRPP)The program is in line with the Supreme Court Mandamus for the clean-up and preservation the Manila Bay. As one of the national government agencies tasked to rehabilitate Manila Bay, DILG has provided capacity development interventions for LGUs to ensure compliance to the continuing Supreme Court Mandamus.DILG-NCR has been active in strengthening LGU Manila Bay Task Force, which is tasked to lead initiatives in the local level for preservation of the bay and its tributaries. DILG-NCR key personnel has also provided technical assistance on the conduct of Environmental Compliance Audit (ECA), a tool created by the DILG to gauge compliance of LGUs in RA 9003 or Ecological Solid Waste Management Act, and has created an Environmental Compliance Audit Online Database System and MBCRP Website.Enhancing LGU Capacity on Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation (DRR-CCA)A program that aims to strengthen disaster resiliency among LGUs, as well as reducing vulnerabilities to natural and human-induced disasters through the incorporation of climate change adaptability in local plans.DILG, as Vice Chair for disaster preparedness, initiated the conduct of Disaster Preparedness Audit in LGUs to determine the challenges and gaps in mitigating disasters in localities. Climate Change Expenditure Tagging is also conducted to mainstream climate change adaptation in local development plans.Resettlement GovernanceA program initiated by DILG-NCR, resettlement governance is envisioned to help informal settler families or illegal settlers relocated outside Metro Manila cope with their new environs and become productive members of their new communities. The program initiates dialogues between families and local officials to thresh out issues in their settlements.Resettlement Governance Assistance Fund (RGAF)The RGAF is financial assistance given by the DILG to cities with resettlement plans, especially those with in-city relocation sites. The financial assistance aims to provide support to the LGUs in providing facilities in resettlement sites, as well as in establish­ing livelihood opportunities to help relocatees adjust in their new environs.

Social-Protective and Safe LGUs

Intensifying the fight against criminality and illegal drugsIn line with the main thrusts of the Duterte administration for peace and order, DILG has initiated capacity building interventions for peace and order councils (POCs) and anti-drug abuse councils (ADACs) to strengthen their roles in keeping communities safe.For the National Capital Region, the Regional Peace and Order Council-NCR is responsible for the creation of policies to promote peace and order in Metro Manila; it creates venues for convergence of stakeholders to address concerns on public safety.Currently, the Council is chaired by Quezon City Mayor Herbert Bautista, with PNP NCRPO PDir Guillermo Eleazar as Vice Chair. DILG-NCR serves as its Secretariat, headed by Regional Director Maria Lourdes Agustin.Strengthening of People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB)PLEB is the local body that receives and processes citizen’s complaints against the officers and members of the Philippine National Police. To ensure availability of avenues for citizen’s concerns with the police force, DILG-NCR has been active in providing capacity development interventions for the organization of PLEB, by providing trainings, assistance and conduct of ocular inspection of facilities and other resources for PLEBs in NCR.Lupong Tagapamayapa Incentives and Awards (LTIA)The Lupong Tagapamayapa Incentives and Awards (LTIA) is a joint program of the DILG and the Department of Justice (DOJ) that gives recognition to Lupons that exhibited exemplary performance in amicably settling disputes among barangay constituents.It also aims to encourage development of the Katarungang Pambarangay, which holds up the time-honored tradition of settling differences with the help of respected leaders in the community.Child-Friendly Local Governance Audit (CFLGA)The CFLGA is an audit that measures LGU performance in the delivery of services which promote the welfare of children. The assessment criteria uses benchmarks consistent with national standards, averages and targets.Gender and DevelopmentDILG plays an important role in creating gender responsive LGUs with its provision of technical assistance on mainstreaming gender and development (GAD) in local plans and programs. Through GAD mainstreaming, gender issues are addressed; roles of both men and women are recognized, promoting gender equality.

Business-Friendly and Competitive LGUs

Local Public-Private Partnership for the People (LGU P4)The Local Public-Private Partnership for the People or LGU P4 is an initiative of the Department which aims to engage private sector partnership to spur economic growth. It aims to promote and enhance local economic development through infrastructure and development projects that will increase national economic growth.Ease of Doing BusinessWith the issuance of the DILG, Department of Trade and Industry and Department of Information and Communication Technology Joint Memorandum Circular on the baseline data gather­ing for upgraded Business Processing and Licensing System (BPLS), initiatives for streamlining business processes were rolled out in the region.DILG-NCR has conducted activities for Regulatory Simplification for Local Governments (RS4LG), to ease doing businesses in localities, as well as in the formulation of local Investment and Incentive Code (LIIC),in response to President Duterte’s order to streamline and promote ease of doing business in localities.