MANILA CITY – In keeping with the vision for a Magnificent Manila: A World-class Capital City, the Manila Peace and Order Council (MPOC) and the Manila Anti-Drug Abuse Council (ADAC) held their meeting for 1st quarter CY 2025. The said local special bodies (LSBs) convened yesterday, March 6, 2025 at
the Oval Conference Room, Manila City Hall.
Members of both councils deliberated and agreed upon strategies to enhance collaboration and alignment to address pressing concerns such as increasing fire incidents, and proliferation of illegal drugs.
The MPOC members committed to intensify crime prevention and community safety through responsive and collective actions. The Council is set to implement the Listo Manileño, a comprehensive capacity development program for barangay functionaries and residents on community or family-based disaster management and preparedness, with fire and crime prevention initiatives in fire-prone and crime-prone barangays as top priority.
In order to help eradicate the drug problem, the MADAC/ Special Action Committee on Anti-Illegal Drugs committed to strengthen community-based prevention advocacy. The need to establish a localized Balay Silangan to complement the city’s existing comprehensive drug rehabilitation program was likewise highlighted. Regular random drug testing will also be undertaken by the members of the MADAC and MPOC.
Moreover, the MPOC issued a Resolution encouraging the mainstreaming and integration of peace and order and public safety initiatives in the SK policies, plans and initiatives.
In attendance at the meeting are Hon. Councilor Moises “Bobby” T. Lim, Committee Chairperson on Peace and Order and Public Safety, Assistant City Administrator Hon. Arch. Jocelyn “Joy” Dawis-Asuncion, representatives and focal persons of member-agencies of MPOC and ADAC.