Accountable, Transparent, Participative and Effective Local Governance

Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG)

The most prestigious award of the Department that seeks to promote good local governance through recognition of innovative and notable practices on local governance on the following areas:

Financial Administration
Disaster Preparedness
Social Protection
Peace and Order
Business Friendliness and Competitiveness
Environmental Management
Tourism, Culture and Arts

Performance Challenge Fund (PCF)

A program that complements the SGLG, the PCF is seen to help LGUs in the implementation of local development projects. Monitoring, reporting and documentation of PCF Projects are done by DILG-NCR personnel to ensure the completion and adherence to pertinent laws of PCF projects.

Compliance to Full Disclosure Policy (FDP)

The FDP aims to ensure transparency and accountability among LGUs of their Local Budget and Finances with the posting of financial documents in three conspicuous places in the LGU. DILG-NCR field offices have been responsible in the monitoring of compliance of LGUs in the FDP, or the quarterly posting of financial documents in three conspicuous places in the LGUs, as well as in the FDP portal.

Citizen Satisfaction Index System (CSIS)

The Citizens’ Satisfaction Index System or CSIS is a set of data tools designed to collect and generate citizens’ feedback on local governments’ service delivery. The system was developed by the Bureau of Local Government Supervision (BLGS) of DILG Central Office and implemented by the Ateneo School of Government (ASoG), in partnership with DILG-NCR.

Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS)

Developed in partnership with De La Salle University – Angelo King Institute, CBMS seeks to gather, analyze and utilize local household data, particularly on poverty, for use in high-impact program design and local development planning. DILG-NCR CSIS focal persons led the training of enumerators, field editors and field coordinators who will conduct the survey in the LGU.

Special Local Roads Fund (SLRF)

Sourced from the Motor Vehicle Users’ Charge (MVUC) Law, the Special Local Roads Fund (SLRF) is a program aimed at enhancing mobility and connectivity through the construction and maintenance of local roads. In coordination with DPWH, DILG-NCR provides technical assistance to LGUs, and conducts its monitoring and evaluation of progress of SLRF projects.

Transition to Federalism

DILG has also started its efforts in information dissemination on Federalism, to help Filipinos make an educated decision on the proposed shift to a Federal Philippines.